About Me

Hi! My name is Andres Lacayo, and I am a Computer Scientist from Nicaragua.

I Started my journey after graduating from High School with Honors and being accepted into the University of Notre Dame. Ever since then, I have grown more and more in love with programming, using it to bring my ideas to life. Feel free to connect with me for whatever reason, I am always happy to meet new people and take advantage of new opportunities!

Basic Information
+1 (574)-302-1942
+505 89880925
Notre Dame, IN, USA
Fluent In:
English, Spanish
Professional Skills
Very High
Very High
Very High

2019 - 2023

Bachelor's Degree

Indiana, United States

Major in Computer Science
University of Notre Dame

-Major GPA: 3.90 | Overall GPA: 3.74
-Dean's List Spring 2021
-Silicon Valley Semester Spring 2022
Relevant Courses:

Systems Programming - Data Structures - Logic Design - Machine Learning - Programming Paradigms - Computer Architecture - Operating Systems - Computer Security - Web Development

Work Experience

May 2022 - August 2022


Sunnyvale, California

Software Engineering Intern

Worked in the backend of the biggest professional network platform in the world and helped extend the lifetime and improved scalability of the hardware and software used for LinkedIn's Recruiter Search platform.

January 2022 - April 2022


San Francisco, California

Software Engineering Intern

Worked Part-Time in an early-stage startup working on developing its MVP. Designed and built the database that the product would interact with using SQL and tested and deployed the application using the Google Cloud Platform. Worked with REST APIs from noteworthy companies like Uber and DoorDash to get the information needed for the product to work.

June 2021 - August 2021


Managua, Nicaragua

Marketing Intern

I was part of the marketing team in a motor oil wholesaler in Nicaragua. This company is the exclusive distributor of Castrol in Nicaragua. Helped create the new brand image, including the Logo, the Headquarters, and the social media profiles. These changes improved the sales and the social media presence of the brand consistently.

January 2021 - May 2021


Notre Dame, IN

Back-End Development Intern

Built software using JavaScript that automizes the input of tens of thousands of data points from an API into a Microsoft SQL database. Also built a form using HTML that helped select parameters for the data automatically. Ultimately, this saved Cobomba tens of hours of work for each new customer acquired.

April 2021 - May 2021



Latinx Student Leadership Summit Attendee

Attended the 2021 Google LSLS event, which brings Latinx leaders together to share innovative best practices and experiences with each other, both for projects and for technical interviews. After the conference, there were follow-up activities such as resume reviews and seminars on building your network.

June 2020 - August 2020


Managua, Nicaragua

Back-End Development Intern

Designed and implemented a backend API for frontend developers to use for building a video-streaming service using Python, MySQL, and Flask to be later used to incorporate into a Roku App and an Android App. Through effective communication with other stakeholders and departments, the API performed to a high enough level that the team adopted it for deployment.

May 2018 - May 2020


Managua, Nicaragua

Founder and Owner

Became the founder and president of a Company that distributed Phone accesories to all of Managua, the Capital of Nicaragua. The goods were imported from Asia, and I was able to manage margins of up to 90%. I built the website and social media accounts that promoted the company's products. I gained experience with Google Adwords and Facebook Ads. Unfortunately, when the COVID-19 Pandemic started, the project had to be put on hold.

Contact Me
Send me a message:


Notre Dame, IN 46556
United States


+1 (574)-302-1942
+505 89880925

